It might be more aesthetically-pleasing but that's not what logos are for.

The Canary version includes additional changes, including new icons attached to the three-dots menu, different height of the address bar, a smaller font size in the adress bar, rounded corners everywhere. Chrome Stable looks in the following way after the restart. Yes we’re refreshing Chrome’s brand icons for the first time in 8 years. In the new logo, the three colours - red, yellow, and green are simply flat and do not have any shadow.
There's nothing there that I'd associate with the internet, the word "chrome", the concept of a navigation tool, or anything else like that. Google Chromes design has changed in several regards after the restart. Some of you might have noticed a new icon in Chrome’s Canary update today. To me the new logo looks vaguely like someone went paint-by-numbers on the James Bond shutter. (As much as I love the secondary and tertiary colors, using them all together can sometimes make things look younger than intended.) In my head, red, yellow, blue and green are just the "default" colors for anything where you want something to have four different "equal" colors without it getting clashy or garish. 4 hours ago &0183 &32 After the redesign, you’ll see the four-color Google logo on the top left corner of the UI, and it’s followed by the word messages. When I see red, yellow, blue and green, I just think primary colors - RGB for light and RBY for pigment. The colors might represent Google, but honestly I didn't notice that until just now. When I think 'chrome', I think really shiny, so it made sense to me and I could easily make the association backwards, that the really shiny logo meant 'chrome'. This was rolled back at the start of the year and. The old chrome logo wasn't great, but at least it was really shiny. 5:11 pm PT 12 Comments Back in November, YouTube Music introduced a Now Playing revamp that primarily hid the dislike button. Firefox has a red panda curled around a globe, representing both the name and what it does (the globe being a common symbol for the Safari has a compass, which is related to both safaris and navigation.

My personal feeling now is that there's no intuitive connection between the logo and the thing it represents anymore.